Monday, July 27, 2009

Leaving in 2 days!

Hey friends... this is going to be my crazy attempt at blogging. This is probably the best way to follow me while I'm gone, but I will send out emails too. I'm not very good at this so try to hang with me! I'm really really really excited about my trip and I've been packing all day. Hopefully I will have some opportunities to post weekly on this thing and include pictures! Next time you hear from me... I'll be on Pride Rock singing the song from the opening scene of the Lion King. I love you all and I'm so grateful for your love and support. See you in September!


  1. Dear Alie, (My Most Amazing Best Friend),

    I am so excited for you and everything you are going to experience when you are away abroad taking care of God's children, and also serving them. I am so excited to hear all about the cool things that God is going to do in your life, and all the awesome stories that are going to come along! Remember, you are there to help, but you are also their to listen...Best advice ever. You can help heal people, with the talents, God has given you, but you also need to listen and learn from the people, because if not, your whole trip is waisted. I know you know this. :) I love you so much and I am so excited for you! Now take a deep breath, because you leave in like 5 hours, and before you know it, time will fly and I will see you at school, and who wants to be there? hah not me! Love you best friend!
    <3 Weasel!

  2. I am so proud of you Alie for taking on this adventure!! Go let your light shine and know that we are thinking of you back here :o)
    love you cuz!
    :o) Vanessa

  3. Alie Renton,
    You are a treasure. I was thinking of you this morning while brushing my teeth and praying for traveling mercies for you and Summy. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace during your time in Kenya.

    Love, love, love
