Thursday, July 30, 2009

true life: i am blessed!

I just arrived in London and I am waiting for my 9:30 tube to Green Park and Westminster. I'm drinking an Apple Tango... delicious! Wow.. my journey has hardly begun but I can already feel God working and moving. First of all, my seat from LAX to London was somehow I had 2 feet of leg room (like I neeeded it) and I got to sit next to a rad young french couple returning from their vacation in California. We chatted it up and it got me stoked. I love meeting people in airports and airplanes! Now to the coolest part... 3 hours into the flight, my beautiful wonderful roomie Somerlyn brings out 2 giant envelopes- one with her name on it and one with mine. Of course, I recognized the handwriting immediately as Stacie Champine!! She has been my mentor at APU since freshman year and is a freaking amazing woman and such an encouraging friend. Apparently she put together a collection of encouraging letters from my friends to take on my trip and it was such an exciting surprise. It was so fun to hear the voices of my friends in their letters. I know I will be reading them often in kenya, along with even more notes from friends and family from home. Dang friends.... thank you thank you thank you! I feel so blessed by you all. Laura.... we have already completed half of your missions ;) You guys are the best!

Overall, my flight was painless. 10 hours went by surprisingly quickly! I didn't sleep a wink, so hopefully I'll fall asleep on my next flight. I'm taking off in 11 hours for Nairobi! I'll keep you posted. Please pray that both Somey and I get our luggage! I had some issues checking in my baggage this morning so I'm a bit worried I won't get them right away in Kenya. Love you guys!!


  1. YAAYY!! I'm so glad you got our letters!! :)

    Al, is Somey doing a blog of any kind?? Or updates or anything?? Cuz I want to make sure I'm on her update list too!! Can you let her know for me?! Thanks love!!

    I'm praying for both of you every day!! LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!!!

  2. Bekah, yes, Sommy's is!!

    ALIEN loved this post! Glad you got those letters from friends!!! <3 I love you and I will update my blog for you too very soon!

    Other then that I am enjoying ever minute of your little journey! LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!

    p.s. if you get time, can u post the missions laura set out for you to do..i am CURIOUS!! hah!

  3. Alie So excited to be a part of your trip from Pleasanton! Praying for you and Gods exciting work in your life xoxoxoxo
